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Do you Struggle with Using a Planner for Productivity?


If you struggle with using a planner for productivity, you need to read this post.  I was in that same boat.  Believe me, I’ve tried ALL the planners out there – apps, paper ones, websites, lists, rotating reminder apps.  I was just on the struggle bus.  BUT I finally found a productivity planner that WORKS for me.

My problem is that I am the ultimate square peg in a round hole!  I literally cannot squeeze myself into a one-size-fits-all approach.  I needed a productivity planner that I could tweak as needed to fit my needs.

Why You NEED a Planner for Productivity

Even though I’m technically “retired”, I’m still a pretty busy bee!  I run two blogs and am contemplating a third, I’ve run my Pinterest VA business for 8 years now and still have lots of clients that need help, I run about 25 different social media accounts for my sites and my clients, plus Boy Scouts and church, and groceries, and just LIFE.  Birthday presents to buy, pets to tend to, kids who need stuff, it’s a whole big deal!  That’s why this site is called Adrian’s Crazy Life because it IS and always will be!

So when I found the Productivity Planner over at Jordan Page’s site Fun, Cheap, or Free, I knew that was the one for me.

Planner for Productivity

For starters, it works on a block schedule rather than a traditional business schedule.  I have six, nice big blocks that I can designate any which way I want.  I do a lot of my work between 4:00 and midnight, so I can arrange my blocks however I want to.  I use my morning blocks for prayer/meditation, exercise, housework, errands – all the general life stuff.  Then my evenings are mostly clear for work stuff.

My FAVORITE thing about it is that the pages are undated.  I can start and stop it any time I like and if I skip a day or two, I don’t have blank, wasted pages staring me in the face and making me feel GUILTY!  I LOVE THAT feature.  I can just flip the page anytime and start right up again.  Brilliant!  And lots of open space for my to-do’s or just random notes.  This is the best planner for productivity in my opinion.

There are two blank boxes along the sides.  I title one Money Earning Activities and the other Weight Loss Activities.  I use them to give myself a little high-five for things I’ve accomplished that day and keeps my focus toward my main goals.

Planner for Productivity

There are also several different “flavors” of her productivity planner – the one I have is to get your schedule under control, but she also has a version to manage your budget.  It comes with all sorts of tools to get your family on board with managing your finances, including some handy budgeting envelopes.  This is great to have a weekly or monthly sit-down with your partner to get on the same page with your spending and savings habits – super important!  She also just released a Capable Kid’s planner to help kids manage all their stuff!

Jordan Page is someone I know personally and admire greatly.  She has 8 kids under 11 and manages to keep them all healthy, happy, fed, and looking like they are turning into pretty great kids.  That is no small feat, especially while creating a business like this to empower other women.  She’s been featured on Rachel Ray, Good Morning America and tons of local shows as well.

Productivity Planner from Jordan Page of Fun Cheap or Free

I’m proud to be an affiliate for her programs.  I have the Productivity Planner myself and as I said, I use it to stitch my crazy life together, and I’ve tried her meal plans and some of her easy recipes (and I don’t cook – much, but they work for me!)  Along with the paper planners, she has two boot camp courses to go along with them.  So you can use just the planners or if you need more of a push, you can sign up for the courses where she has a ton of videos and other info to support you.

My link will lead you to a page with ALL of these resources.  And I even have a special 10% discount code on everything, just for my readers – just put in AdriansCrazyLife at checkout.


How to Get Your Own Productivity Planner or Budget Planner for FREE

Here’s the best part!  The Fun, Cheap, or Free staff has been nice enough to gift me with FOUR of their fabulous planners.  Well, I can’t use all four of them by myself, so you, my friend might be in LUCK.  Over the coming weeks, I’m going to be giving them away to my lucky readers.  I think we’ll start with a Budget Planner first – isn’t it pretty???

Planners for Productivity
Planners for Productivity

The giveaway is only open to US readers – sorry, but I can’t afford postage to any exotic countries on the far side of the world!  Enter the Rafflecopter below to get as many entries as you can.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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The post Do you Struggle with Using a Planner for Productivity? appeared first on Adrian's Crazy Life.

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