Here we are on Day Three of our New Year’s motivation series. Today, we are talking my best tips to clean/declutter/organize your home. I’ve got more than 100 posts to choose from in this category, so I couldn’t narrow it down to just five posts. Instead, I selected five different types of posts to help you clean and organize your home.
We are sharing my best tips to clean/declutter/organize your home
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Interestingly, I had my own clutter challenge just today. My 18-year-old son discovered water had leaked in his room from a leaky sink – several days ago. What a mess – wet carpet, wet box spring, wet bookcase and it was all starting to mildew. In a word – ew! And, being a typical boy, and the packrat son of a packrat mother, well it was a challenge. We spent the whole morning packing up his books, mementos, and other debris. We eliminated an enormous box o’ stuff. Even though I just convinced him to eliminate another enormous box o’ similar stuff just last week!
And, being a typical messy boy, and the packrat son of a packrat mother, well it was a challenge. We spent the whole morning packing up his books, mementos, and other debris so we can pull up the carpet. We also eliminated an enormous box o’ stuff. Even though I just convinced him to eliminate another enormous box o’ similar stuff just last week! Hopefully, at the end, he will have a moderately clean and mildew-free room that is free of about 50% of its clutter.
So, let’s begin with my series on organizing your kids.
This is a three part series on various aspects of organizing your kids:
Managing Kids on School Mornings – ugh!
A few simple strategies can make your home almost self-cleaning.
Being a lazy, super-busy person, this is one of my favorites! Even if you only do a few of these, it will absolutely make your home easier and faster to clean.
7 Ways to Make Your Home Self-Cleaning – I promise, this WORKS!
Cleaning Products for Lazy People – This one is kind of a twin post to the self-cleaning post. These are inexpensive gadgets that will help keep your house cleaner automatically.
Let’s do some digital organization posts:
Eliminate your Email Overload and get to the Emails you WANT
Sneaky Tricks to Get Facebook to Behave Itself!
How ’bout a trio of paper management tactics?
Eliminate 90% of Your Paper Clutter
Now that you’ve learned to eliminate a BUNCH of stuff, you need to have an effective strategy for the stuff you plan to keep.
Here are some helpful storage solutions.
Storage Solutions for Dummies – This is one of my MOST popular posts.
There ya go folks! A plethora of organizing options just for you. Come back tomorrow for some positive parenting posts.
Here are my previous posts in the series:
The post New Year’s Motivation – Declutter/Organize Your Home appeared first on Adrian's Crazy Life.