Tailwind is my hands-down FAVORITE scheduling tool for Pinterest. I’ve used it for nearly two years and I use it a LOT. I use it for myself and also for my VA clients, so I really give it a workout! I like it even better because I’ve been able to use Tailwind for FREE for nearly that whole time! Oh, and I did I mention that Tailwind has recently added Instagram? #Instagood #happydance #automatichashtags #youneedthisnow
You too can use Tailwind for free and I’m happy to show you how. Their affiliate program is amazing and I’ve gotten great results from sharing my affiliate link. If you’re brand new to affiliate marketing, you may not be very familiar with affiliate programs, so I’ll give you the rundown on how it works in just three EASY steps:
Step One: Get an affiliate link
Rather than sign up for a special program (which most companies require), Tailwind automatically gives EVERYONE their own affiliate link. It looks just like this:
Or it might look like this:
These links go to the Tailwind sign-up page, but they carry an extra bit of code that says “Adrian is sending you this referral”. So, when someone signs up under this link, I get paid with a free month of service and they get a free month too. Pretty cool, huh?
In case you are wondering where YOUR affiliate code is, just sign into Tailwind (if you are a member). If not, I know how you can sign up (hint, hint). At the top of every page is a toolbar that has a heart. Just click on that heart and it will take you to your own code. They even offer links to automatically share it from Facebook, Twitter, or via Email, but I prefer a more direct approach.
Step Two – Share your Link
Sharing your link is EASY. I’ve shared mine in LOTS of places. I’ve included it in several posts of mine – like this one about Tailwind Tribes.
Put Tailwind's affiliate link program to work and get your own account for FREE.
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I’ve shared it in Facebook groups – not in a spammy way, but if someone seems new to blogging or has questions about Tailwind, I’ll usually help answer their questions, and then offer them my link if they want to sign up. Or sometimes, I’ll send them a brief screenshot video showing off some of the great features of Tailwind, which includes my link.
Naturally, my link is included in my Pinterest Ebook. I have a whole section where I talk about different scheduling tools I’ve tried and why Tailwind is my number one choice.
I share it weekly on my new Facebook page – Help for New Bloggers. To me, sharing a good thing like this is like having a plate of delicious cookies. Why wouldn’t you share them with your friends? And if someone is on a diet or doesn’t like delicious cookies – no problem. You simply turn and offer them to the next person.
Here’s my big secret about how YOU can get your Tailwind for free.
I have Group Boards – lots of them. In fact, I just wrote a post about Why You Need Your OWN Group Boards. I also have three different Tailwind Tribes – one for my favorite topics of parenting, organizing, and saving money, one for more general blog posts, and one for healthy recipes. These are popular topics, so I get a LOT of requests. I always take a peek first, but if I like them and they have good pins on their boards, I’ll add them.
When I get requests from bloggers wanting to join my group boards or my Tribes – You can bet that every one of those bloggers receives my affiliate link in one way or another. You see, Tailwind tribes are available to people who aren’t even using Tailwind yet, so every time I invite someone new to my Tribe, it automatically sends them my affiliate link in the invitation. Win-win!
Step Three – Sit Back and Accept your Free Months
This step is the easiest of all! Every week or two, Tailwind sends me an Email to let me know that someone has accepted my invitation, and I’ve gotten another month of Tailwind for free. #happydance
In fact, in May, they had a double reward promo and I got four different sign-ups at two months each!!! Right there, that paid for my Tailwind account for EIGHT MONTHS. See how EASY this is? They even gave me a special reward after my first five referrals – a $25 Amazon gift card. I’m not sure if they are still offering that deal, but it was a nice little incentive to keep sharing.
So, how are you going to use this information to get your own Tailwind for free?
The post Want to Use Tailwind for FREE? This is How I Do It appeared first on Adrian's Crazy Life.