Hello and welcome to my blog! Can you believe that summer is already half over? Just think – Christmas will be HERE before we know it (groan). Personally, I hate to even THINK about it, but it rolls around every year just like clockwork.
Now I know there are some of you hyper-organized types that are already buying and stashing presents away. That is fabulous, but what I’m really asking, is are you FINANCIALLY prepared for the holiday season? I am!
As I shared in an earlier post How Long Will It Take to Pay Your Christmas Bills? I have had mostly debt-free Christmases for about 5 years now. In fact, I already have a little over half the money for this year quietly stashed away in a savings account, just simmering.
Granted, I love to buy presents for my family and I always go a little overboard. But because I have this solid foundation, my Christmas bills never take me more than a month or two to pay. I’m betting that quite a few of you are still paying for long-forgotten (or broken) toys and other holiday trappings from last year.
Have a Strategy!
Christmas is coming regardless if you are ready or not. But it’s not too late to START getting ready. You might not be able to save for your whole Christmas, but you could get a significant leg up on it if you start saving NOW. It’s easier than you would think. I just opened a basic no-fee checking account with a small direct deposit every payday. Then I put the debit card in the drawer until Thanksgiving weekend. Then I have a nice little stash of guilt-free cash to start buying my gifts.
I know it’s all hot and sunny outside now, but that guy in the big red suit will be popping down the chimney a lot sooner than you might think!
The post It’s July – Are you Ready for CHRISTMAS? appeared first on Adrian's Crazy Life.