Cruising is one of the best ways to discover the world in just a few days. With multiple destinations to explore, exciting entertainment to see and delicious dining to indulge in, who wouldn’t want to climb aboard? While cruising can be a dream vacation, it’s important to know that your cabin can make or break your experience. To ensure that your next sailing is the best one yet, I’ve teamed up with my friends at Get Away Today to give you everything you need to know about seven of the WORST cabin locations on any cruise ship. .
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Near the Anchor
Anywhere near the anchor could be one of the worst cabin locations, but it’s easy to avoid if you are paying attention to the deck plan. Depending on your sensitivity to movement, you might want to stay towards the center of the ship where there is less movement.
Unlike most people, I actually LIKE the motion of the ship. It makes me sleep like a baby. However, I’m still careful to avoid the anchor area as there can be a lot of unwanted noise on port days.
This same advice applies for the cruise ship engines. While the loud, constant noises of the machinery might not bother some, it can keep others up all night. If you’re sensitive to noise or movement, I would suggest staying near the front of the ship or mid-ship.
Next to a Slamming Door
I’ve had personal experience with this one and it was definitely my worst cabin. On my latest cruise to Cozumel, I ended up near one of those metal plates in the hallway. I think it was one of those big heavy fire doors. The first and last days were miserable as everyone with a carry-on click-clacked across that dang plate!
Because of this, try to avoid booking rooms near crew service entrances, major promenades, staircases and elevators. Trust me, this will save you from a lot of sleepless nights!
Public Areas
Luckily, most cruise lines are careful to locate cabins well away from the nightclubs, kitchens and pools. However, you’ll still want to take this into consideration when choosing a cabin.
Many cruise-goers will say to avoid the kitchen areas, but I’ve had two cruises directly below the kitchen
and it was fabulous. Not only did we save a ton of walking, but we never heard a peep!
Just be aware that this could be a gamble and if you don’t want to risk it, give yourself at least one deck in-between
public areas and your cabin.
Housekeeping Spaces
Housekeeping areas show up as blank spots on the deck plan and you definitely want to stay away from these high-traffic areas. The room stewards are in and out getting fresh linens and cleaning supplies during all hours of the night and throughout the day.
To guarantee some peace and quiet, make sure your cabin is nowhere near housekeeping spaces.
Lower Balconies
Having a balcony is a wonderful treat, but the upper balconies are higher priced for a reason. Not only are they much more private, but you never have to worry about guests getting a peek into your room.
If you plan on having any “private time” on one of these more visible balconies, you might have an unwanted audience and a visit from the ship’s security forces. Because of this, save yourself the trouble and splurge on a higher balcony cabin.
High-Motion Areas
If you get nauseated just thinking about a cruise, there are rooms you’ll want to avoid. Cabins on higher decks at the front or the aft of the ship will rock and roll more easily than others.
While having a more deluxe suite or balcony view might be enticing, it’s not worth the risk of ruining your vacation. As a solution, try to get a cabin more centrally located and on a lower deck. Once you’ve cruised a couple of times, you’ll get a better feel of how much motion you can tolerate.
Weirdly Configured Cabins
While most cabins have two twin beds that can covert to a king-sized bed, some of them have fixed, bunk-style arrangements. This means that if you’re looking for a romantic getaway, you’ll be sorely disappointed. #thehoneymoonisover
If you’re traveling with family and friends however, this could be a great cabin choice. It’s important to note that because these beds can’t be rearranged, it might be difficult for those with limited mobility. Luckily, these cabins are always noted on deck plans, so they can be easily avoided.
Now that you know about the 7 worst cabins to avoid, what are you waiting for?
Take the plunge on your dream vacation by booking a cruise with Get Away Today. Not only will their cruise experts help you find the perfect cabin, but you’re always guaranteed the best price. To book or find out more information,
visit or call 855-438-2929 to speak to an agent directly.
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