18 Ridiculously Useful Gifts for Men
With three grown sons, a husband and two grandsons, I have a whole houseful of guys to buy gifts for all year ’round. So I am always on the lookout for any ridiculously useful gifts for men. In so...
View Article18 Ridiculously Useful Gifts for Women
Every year, I take great delight in picking out the most ridiculously useful gifts for women and for men. I put a lot of time and effort in picking out the most unusual, fun, and unique items I can...
View ArticleHow to get around a cruise ship like a NINJA
Cruise ships are HUGE – ever get lost on one? Not me. I’ve learned a few tricks about how to get around a cruise ship like a NINJA and I’m going to share them with you.One thing I’ve never struggled...
View ArticleOur Retirement Cruise to Aruba with Royal Caribbean
My husband and I recently went on a Royal Caribbean cruise to Aruba as a way to celebrate my recent retirement. What a wonderful trip! We actually visited several of the islands, as part of the...
View Article6 Toxic Money Behaviors
Money can be a delicate subject. We all have our own ideas about how our money should be spent. Some of these money behaviors can actually be toxic and can create some serious damage in your...
View ArticleFinancial Tips To Help Your Future College Student
It seems like just yesterday you were helping your baby get on the bus for kindergarten and now you’re talking to them about the colleges they are interested in attending. Time sure does fly, and while...
View Article7 Ways to Stay Healthy on a Cruise
With all the alarming news about nasty viruses that are in the news lately, it’s only normal to be worried about ways to stay healthy on a cruise. One thing to keep in mind is that the news...
View Article11 Tips for Organizing Your Drawers
Nothing compares to the feeling of a freshly cleaned and organized home. It doesn’t take an expert to figure out the benefits of a tidy living space. However, it’s much easier said than done to...
View Article5 Tips for Moving with Teenagers
Parents understand that teenagers can get a bit hard to deal with. They’re in a stage in their lives where they want to explore their independence, which can come off in the wrong way. And if we’re...
View Article10 Secrets of Women Who Always Have Money
Thinking about the women I’ve known in my life, it seems like they mostly fall into two camps – women who always have money on hand and those who scrimp and struggle with money. I don’t know about you...
View ArticleDeclutter ANYTHING using the Post-It Note Method
I have a very simple tip today, but it’s super versatile. You can use this tip to declutter virtually anything in your home. I call this my Post-it Note method. Works to help you declutter...
View ArticleSelf-Care for Busy Moms
The Fall 2020 Self-Care Challenge: How to Prioritize Wellness Daily The Fall season is almost officially here, and it’s bringing plenty of stressors along with it. In the wake of COVID-19, there’s...
View Article7 Strategies for Financial Independence – FIRE
What I Wish I’d Learned About Financial Independence Twenty Years Ago By Sydney Everson If I had a time machine to go back and talk to myself as a younger woman, there’s a lot of advice I’d give...
View ArticleRescue Old VHS Tapes with iMemories
C’mon, ‘fess up. You’ve got a big ol’ stack of old VHS tapes lying around somewhere, haven’t you? Or 8mm tapes, Super 8 tapes, even those old reel to reel tapes. Or you’ve got a BIG stack of paper...
View ArticleHow to Navigate the 2020 She-cession
What exactly is a she-cession as opposed to a regular recession? Good question, I’m glad you asked. As you may have heard (I’m joking here!) – 2020 has sent various curveballs our way. One of the...
View ArticleWonderful Safari Trip with our Family
To say that 2020 has been a weird year would be an understatement. However, there are always a few bright spots in every challenging time. We’d planned on an Alaska cruise this summer, but since that...
View ArticleHow Your Divorce Affects Your Teen
Helping teens navigate a divorce situation is something I’ve been wanting to write about for a long time, but it’s an area where I had zero experience. My parents were married until they died and my...
View ArticleQuickly Organize your Meal Prep with Freezer Cooking
Do you ever find that you simply don’t have the time to make dinner and get it on the table every night? Do you find yourself wishing that you had a stockpile of healthy meals that were already cooked...
View ArticleWill Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight?
Have you heard the term intermittent fasting before and wondered what it is? Intermittent fasting is a very popular health and fitness trend right now. People use intermittent fasting to lose weight,...
View Article4 Tips to Organize Your Messy Craft Room
One thing I’ve noticed is a particular problem for women is the messy craft room. Or craft area, or craft stash. Many of us seem to have a love affair with our crafts, and honestly, that’s a good...
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