If there is anything women spend their time and energy on, it is trying to accomplish weight loss. Me too. Weight loss is always on my mind somewhere. And over the last few years, I’ve found lots of new products that are making me much healthier and fit.
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Let’s face it, weight loss is HARD, so I’m always fascinated with any ideas or products that will make it easier. So, basically I collect weight loss #Lifehacks. I recently revamped my book review post on the book Mindless Eating. This book is jammed with easy lifehacks that are pretty brilliant. I also did a five-part series on little sneaky tricks you can use to inspire yourself to make better choices.
But this post is about the tools and products that I use for weight loss. I was fortunate enough that many of these were given to me. I’ve been fortunate enough to have an employer-sponsored weight loss program called Real Appeal. It’s a year-long Weight Watchers-style program and to kick it off, they sent me a whole huge BOX of weight loss products. I haven’t used every one of them, but for the most part, they’ve been really handy. And so far, I’ve lost about 15 pounds – fab!
So let’s start with my favorite – the Bento Boxes. I bought a set of a dozen of these off of Amazon and I’ve used them soooo much. In fact, I just set up a whole week’s worth of meals in them.
Now, when I talk about bento boxes, I immediately think FANCY Pinterest-inspired meals. But you know me, I am definitely NOT fancy. Tonight I baked up a huge package of BBQ chicken, a double-batch of Zatarains yellow rice and some frozen green beans. I fed it to my family for dinner, then packed up the leftovers into my little Bento boxes for a quick & easy week of identical healthy lunches.
These are a best-seller on Amazon and they are BPA free, dishwasher safe, and are microwave safe. They stack up nicely for storage and wash up perfectly. And it just makes me feel organized when I use them.
Using a Perfect Portion plate is a great way to visually SEE what you should eat
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My Perfect Portion Plate is one of my gifts from Real Appeal. It’s been super helpful for me (and my husband who does most of the cooking) to visualize exactly what I should be eating to accomplish my weight loss.
This isn’t exactly the one I use, but it’s very similar. Can you see how this could be helpful to keeping you on track with any healthy eating plan?
This one has been a surprising favorite for me. I actually had a Magic Bullet years ago and I got rid of it because I never used it. But this one came with my big Box ‘o Free Stuff from Real Appeal, so I’ve been using it a LOT. I’ve seen these whey protein powders around, but I thought I’d hate them, but shockingly, I LOVE them! I do them for breakfast a couple of days a week – either vanilla or chocolate. Sometimes, I add berries or flavored yogurt to the vanilla one and it’s so delicious. And it’s a quick and easy breakfast that’s low in calories. And sometimes for a special dessert treat.
Here’s my last product and it’s a book. A really great book. You can trust me! I’ve made a career out of reading every type of motivational book out there. I’ve got weight loss books, be less stressed and relax books, get organized books (I have a whole STACK of those!), manage your finances books, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Earl Nightingale, Dave Ramsey, Dale Carnegie, you name it. (I may need a 12-step program for that)
But this one is the bomb! It has like 87 lifehack strategies for setting up your kitchen, managing your grocery shopping, eating out – even buffet eating, and managing just about every challenging weight loss situation in your life. Basically, if this one doesn’t help get you losing, you might want to throw in the towel!
So, everything you can imagine to help you keep your eating on track without having to work so hard on it and use every ounce of your willpower. But eating well is only HALF of your weight loss journey. You also need to get in that extra exercise (oh goody – my least-favorite part!). Of course, I wouldn’t let you down in that department. Here are a couple of my best easy exercise posts:
How to get a good deal on a gym membership
Leave me comments to let me know which of these tips has been the most helpful for you.
The post 5 Fabulous Products that Will Make Weight Loss EASIER appeared first on Adrian's Crazy Life.