I hate to say it, but we are on the countdown to the holidays already. I swear it was JUNE just a minute ago. But, the fact is, the holidays will be here in just a few short weeks. Are you ready for shipping out your holiday packages? I’m trying to plan ahead, so I’m making a list for an upcoming trip to Sam’s Club to stock up on items to prepare for the holiday. One of these items is going to be an 8-pack of Duck Max Strength Packaging Tape.
Disclaimer: Duck Brand sponsored this post. All opinions are mine alone.
I don’t know about you, but we do a lot of holiday mailing and my husband LOVES this stuff for wrapping our packages. You can hear him clear across the house with it – rip, rip, riiiiiiipppp!
Same thing for the end of the holiday when it’s time to box up the tree and the decorations – rip, rip, rip! That’s why I buy the 8-pack version – because he uses a LOT of it. And it’s made by the same folks who make the famous silver Duck Tape and all that cool funky-colored Duck Tape, so you know it’s going to be great quality tape!
Get Duck Max Strength Packing Tape @samsclub for your holiday packages. It's handy! #duckmax #ad
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It’s not that flimsy tape that wads up so easily and tears like crazy – this is good heavy stuff. It’s 100 times stronger than acrylic tape and it uses a professional hot melt adhesive so it stays exactly where you put it!
Here’s my plan for the holidays. I took a craft class today at the Pinner’s Conference – it’s a little craft and social media show that comes to town every year. I always go with a bunch of my blogger friends.
The class I took was Barn Quilt designs from Tweetle Dee that are painted on wooden planks. Look how cute they are! And you can do them in a bunch of different patterns and colors. I bought a couple of different patterns because I’m going to make them for Christmas gifts this year. (Don’t worry, none of my family ever reads my blog, so it won’t spill the beans! And you won’t tell, will you?)
Won’t those make a wonderful gift? Of course, with something homemade like this, you need to wrap it carefully for mailing. I’d be heartbroken if I put all that work into making a gift for someone and it got damaged. So, you can bet that I’ll get my husband busy with the Duck Max Strength Packaging Tape and some good cushioning materials to pack up these babies all nice and secure!
What are you doing for YOUR holiday packages?
The post Getting Ready for the Holidays with Duck Max Strength Packaging Tape appeared first on Adrian's Crazy Life.